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A membership journey of devotion into your best self

For women who want spiritual growth anchored in practical life ...  

The ancient yogis experimented with an open heart and mind to find answers to some of life's most perplexing questions. Wisdom-keepers, sages and mystics through generations have done the same. It's your birthright to explore the depth of who you are and find answers to questions such as:

✨ What am I here to do? 

✨ How can I live my best life? 

✨ Why am I causing myself suffering and how can I avoid it? 

Based on the teachings of yoga and ayurveda with a good strong smattering of contemporary personal development and appreciation for the wisdom teachings of all traditions (especially your own),  together we will grow into healing and empowerment. 

This is a community like no other for women with big responsibilities, people and families to care for, bills to pay and very little free time, who want Divinity as a collaborator. A place to remember that we do have the capacity for self-care as well as care for other if only we make space for it!


Here’s what you can expect inside our membership portal from Katie Rose as well as a selected curation of expert guests…

Namaste, I'm Katie Rose...

I've always had a relationship with the Divine and it's part of my path to help you deepen yours. I've been through a lot in my life. I left home at sixteen. I've travelled the world. I've run several successful businesses and written a bunch of published books.

I'm a mumma to five kiddos (the eldest is seventeen and the youngest is two). Parenting is a daily practice that I give my heart and soul to. These days I'm surrounded by happy and stable relationships (but that wasn't always the case) and there was a huge personal growth journey to get to that place. I'm a good friend and I'm supported by a tribe of incredible women. 

Somehow in amongst all this I've found and stayed true to myself and I want to help you do the same. 

Let me guide you through a transformational journey of spiritual development, anchored in practical application, that works with your current life and commitments.

Be romanced by the poetry of your own journey...

Together through this online membership we will: 

  • Carve out time for self-care when you didn't think you had any. 
  • Identify the areas where you need to create meaningful change and start taking action. 
  • Get super practical in your wellness, your relationships, your work and your purpose. 
  • Honour the women who came before us and hand in hand, committed to growth, uplift each other. 

Who is this membership for?

♡ Women of all ages and all walks of life who are overwhelmed and feel 'too busy' for spirituality or creativity. 

♡ Women on a personal development journey who want support, community and accelerated results.

♡ Women who are going through something 'big' - a divorce, a career change, menopause, a new baby. You'll get the kindness you need in this space. 

♡ Yoga teachers, wellness and life coaches.

♡ Mothers to children of any age, regardless of your relationship to them (easy or difficult and everything in-between). 

♡ Single women who love being single, single women who want a partner, partnered women who want a better quality relationship. 

 ♡ Any woman who has some big decisions to make and needs support.

Kali Vibes

I love the Goddess mythology of Kali.  

Kali’s peak moment is when she tramples her husband Shiva in a fit of rage (whilst wearing a necklace of the skulls of several other men she’s decapitated) but then realises she’s gone too far. She’s full of temper and uncontrollable blood lust because the world around her is all messed up and she’s furious about it.

She’s particularly furious with the patriarchy and misogyny that she sees everywhere she turns.  But she doesn’t let this rage be all of who she is. 

At some point she takes a deep breath and takes her foot of Shiva’s head and looks for reconciliation.  She needs him to help calm her and she knows it. She is not only wrath and indignation, she is also the Divine Feminine looking for a cease-fire.

If I had to describe the 'Bhakti Club' experience in a metaphor this would be it. We too, like Kali, can metamorphose the anger and pain we feel into healing, growth and light. 


Will we see you on the other side?



Instant access on first payment


The membership is delivered mostly though live zoom calls (which are recorded if you miss one).  Additional support materials include video and audio content, and workbooks. Once you sign up you’ll get access to the course portal straight away. Here's what is included:  

  • Membership with the Bhakti Rose community which includes: 

    ✨ Group calls with Katie Rose (minimum once a month, often more). 

    ✨ Guest expert calls on a variety of topics from relationships to work to parenting. 

    ✨ Short and sweet asana and mediation practices. 

    ✨ Results, not fluff! Support to help you create and achieve your intentions in all areas of your life. 

    ✨ Show up and grow in real time - we won't burden you with tons of work and overwhelm. 

  •  Getting to know each other and finding support from our closed circle community.
  •  Specific workshops and challenges designed to spark change in a particular area of your life such as food or relationships. 
  •  Connection calls and plenty of time for questions and one-to-one engagement
  • Twice yearly seasonal ayurvedic supported cleanse to reset your digestion and wellness. 

We have an app to listen to content on the go and a private community space

Bhakti Club happens away from social media and within its own sacred container (our private community) so you can engage and participate with ease and without distraction even if you're not very tech savvy.


A journey of devotion into your best self...

Each Spring and Autumn we cleanse and rest our digestive systems using ayurvedic techniques. By doing this as a group we are accountable to each other. You'll be provided with all the information and inspiration you need to cleanse at home and the cleanse will include live zoom gatherings (recordings available). ​​​​​​​

Our main focus is on the detoxifying and gut healing power of kitchari.  Kitchari is the marriage of two humble but powerful ingredients, lentils and rice blended with spices. Kitchari is warming, grounding, highly nutritious and delicious. We will also have 'balance bowl' options in the cleanse for those who want less of a challenge and more variety. The bi-annual cleanses are included in your membership fee. Many members say they are one of the highlights of the year.


"I feel like a new woman. Creative juices are flowing again ..."

I had to reach out to you dearest Katie! A few months back I came across your Instagram page and followed you. I received a lovely message offering ayuvedic resources etc. and as you felt authentic I jumped at the chance! I read the word ayuveda and was instantly transported back to my philosophy classes lead by my wonderful teacher in South Goa on my first Yoga Teacher Training. The past year I've felt like I've taken a couple of steps backwards in my spiritual journey (old triggers coming up, returning anxiety, decreased spiritual community in my area).  Anywho, I signed up to work with you and I actually feel like a new woman; the creative juices are flowing, I am journalling every day and my sense of gratitude, positivity and ability to be more present have really taken a leap forward! Thank you. 

Amanda B.

This online membership is an exclusive container for women who want to 'do the work'.  

I'm excited to walk this path together with you as a guide. I'm asking you to invest in yourself both financially and in terms of your time and commitment. In exchange, my promise is to get to know you personally, to stay engaged throughout our journey together and to hold space for your transformation.  

As the founder of Bhakti Rose and a teacher of Ayurveda and Yoga for over 25 years, I’ve had the honour and blessing of learning with some of the best ayurveda teachers in the world and from some of the strongest, most authentic lineages.  Now it's my turn to take the seat of the teacher to the next level. Let's step forward onto a path of personal growth together. 

The reason Bhakti Club membership is a year long minimum commitment is so that we can get to know each other and you can settle into the space. We find keeping the doors closed to new members (we only open twice a year) and not having too much coming and going creates a truly safe space. Our bespoke app (no facebook or third party apps) also creates privacy and quiet for our members.


More about Katie Rose

Katie Rose is a women’s wellness mentor and educator with twenty-five years of experience teaching yoga and Ayurveda. Katie has managed and owned popular yoga studios in both London and Sydney, and now runs a thriving online community.

Founder and host of the annual Bhakti Women Online Summit, Katie helps women go from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to living a life that is aligned with their highest values. She lives in Sydney, Australia, with her five children in a loud and busy household where her spiritual practices and prayerful connection to the Divine keep her steady.


"I can feel your beautiful mother energy.  I feel held even though you are not here."

Katie, I just wanted to reach out to say thank you for your work.   I am currently reading your book and find your words to be full of love, pure intention and guidance. I am gently padding though your Goddess course and am also finding this to be inspiring.

As a person who also teaches, I know that sometimes we put our work out there for no reason other then the impulse is so strong to share, (divine intervention perhaps) as we know our offerings are such that they have the potential to help another person on their journey through this life. I read your words and I can hear your steady and grounding voice, I can feel your beautiful mother energy, and I feel held, even though you are not here.

I feel that you have come into my world at the perfect moment in time. I already consider you a precious teacher. Thank you for being a person who has chosen to share.  

Angela Z.

Frequently Asked Questions 

... and together we will... 

✷ Witness each other grow
✷ Embrace a group journey of magnetic potential
âś·Create pathways towards what you dream of away from old patterns
âś· Heal, transform and call in what your heart is longing for

This membership is the a reflection of the truest calling of my heart. 

Do you feel bad that you’re not looking after yourself better but unable to find the time for so much as a quiet cup of tea alone? I’ve got five children, a successful online business and, just like you, have a lot on my plate; yet I still find time to meditate and prioritise myself. It’s because my life is so busy, and I’m pulled in so many directions that I’ve nailed the strategies and tools to stay sane. You’re probably juggling lots of responsibilities in your life right now too – work, family, home, health, relationships, finances – and it’s overwhelming.  Nurturing your spiritual and mental health within this mix feels like it’s all too much and life is confusing.  Bhakti Club will help you step on a pathway to clarity and healing. Drawing on my interest in yoga philosophy and ayurveda as well as personal development, I share insights and strategy for you to find and anchor your ability to live in alignment and strength in every moment.

Will we see you on the other side?



Instant access on first payment


"Everyone's advice has given me comfort and guidance on ways to process things ..."

Thank you for taking the time to share Katie. Everyone's advice has given me comfort and guidance on ways to process things. Still want to quit everything and go live in a cave, I'm sure that will pass though.

I'm really grateful for this community. As unpleasant as this experience is right now, it has shown how blessed I am for the teachers, community, and friends I have around me, who offer their support and share their experiences. I don't know if this is unique in the yoga world, but it is certainly unique in everyday life. I'm very grateful to you all, thank you.

Sarah D.

"It was reassuring like a sigh of relief to hear your sharings."

So I was behind on some of the cleanse lectures. Just listened to catch up.

Love it. So many things resonated. Creating my own rituals. I've been doing this for years but there is always that feeling of being the naughty kid in the class or being the outlier. It was reassuring like a sigh of relief to hear your sharings.





Instant access on first payment